Employment and skills update | 22 July 2022

21 Jul 2022

Training Product Reform
ACCI and AiGroup have been working together, along with the ACTU to alter the decision that put the Australian Skills Quality Authority as the approval/endorsing body for training packages, replacing the Australian Industry and Skills Committee.  In response to a letter written jointly by the three bodies we have heard from State & Territory premiers and have an upcoming meeting the with ACT Minister. A very productive video conference was held between the three industry peaks and the State and Territory government senior officials to discuss the ASQA training package issue and there is every indication that the industry advocacy is having an impact. Yesterday ACCI and AiGroup met with Minister O’Connor’s office and had a good discussion. We will continue to focus on returning to the previous model.


Meeting with Minister O’Connor’s office
ACCI has had regular and very constructive discussions with senior staff in Minister O’Connor’s office and will have a further in-depth meeting on today ahead of the first Parliamentary sitting week of the new government.   ACCI has been briefed on the introduction of the legislation to be introduced next Wednesday or Thursday to put in place an interim Jobs & Skills Australia  (JSA) entity and abolish the National Skills Commission, with JSA taking over its functions  There are many aspects of the proposed JSA that are in alignment with ACCI’s long standing support for a structured approach to workforce planning and the need for industry to have a strong influence over the direction of government policy and the application of funding.  

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