Employment and skills update | 29 July 2022

28 Jul 2022

Latest apprenticeship data
In good news, there were 349,235 apprentices and trainees in-training as at December 31, 2021, 16.8 per cent higher than at the same time in 2020 and only slightly lower than at the end of the September quarter 2021.

Completions were up 20.2 per cent from December 2020, this is a strong result and shows the value that apprentices invested in their chosen field inclined to complete their training during COVID.

More information here


Unfair Contract Terms
This week the government announced that it will deliver on its election commitment on unfair contract terms with legislation to be introduced during this sitting fortnight. We have not seen the legislation just yet but it most likely is very similar to the legislation that was previously introduced. 

The government states that the legislation will introduce fines for use of or reliance of unfair contract terms, allowing the regulation to seek a civil penalty from the court. The small business threshold will increase to 100 employees and introduce an annual turnover threshold of less than $10 million, more information here


Jobs and Skills Australia
On Wednesday the first piece of legislation introduced by the new government was the Jobs and Skills Australia Bill 2022, and the bill to repeal the National Skills Commissioner, see here.

ACCI has had numerous meetings with the Minister’s office where we were briefed and had a chance to comment on the legislation before it was introduced.

The second stage of establishing JSA will follow the Jobs and Skills Summit, and we are already in detailed discussions with the ACTU and AiGroup with formal consultations from August.

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