Employment & skills update | November 18, 2022

18 Nov 2022

Jobs and Skills Australia
On Wednesday Jobs and Skills Australia was officially formed.  The new agency still has not had the interim head officially appointed and will be run by a member of the DEWR in the meantime. The main focus seems to be turning it into a tripartite agency, getting a $12 million review into Australia’s literacy rates underway and a $1.9 million study on new energy apprenticeships.


Universities Accord
On Wednesday the Minister for Education, Jason Clare announced a Universities Accord, with Professor Mary O’Kane leading a team including Professor Barney Glover AO, Ms Shemara Wikramanayake, the Hon. Jenny Macklin, Professor Larissa Behrendt AO, and the Hon Fiona Nash. 

It is the first broad review of the higher education system since the 2008 Bradley Review –  to look at everything from funding and access, to affordability, transparency, regulation, employment conditions and how higher education and vocational education and training can and should work together. This will be a very significant review with potentially wide ranging implications for universities and students. 

There will be a Ministerial Reference Group that ACCI has been indicated that it will be a member of, with an interim report to be provided to the Government in June next year with the final report in December 2023.

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