Trade update | 10 March 2023

09 Mar 2023

Meeting with OECD Secretary

On Wednesday, ACCI welcomed OECD – OCDE Secretary General Mathias Cormann to Commerce House, our Canberra headquarters.

Chief of policy and advocacy David Alexander and head of trade and international affairs Chris Barnes had an engaging discussion with Mr Cormann regarding the global economic outlook, tax reform and productivity.

As a member of Business at OECD, ACCI is the voice of Australian enterprise at the OECD.



OECD Guidelines on MNE Webinar  

Last week ACCI hosted a virtual roundtable with Treasury, BIAC and leading industry associations to discuss Business at the OECD’s submission to the OECD on their Guidelines on Multinational Enterprises. The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises set out recommendations from governments to businesses for ensuring responsible business conduct in all areas where business interacts with society, including human rights, labour rights, environment, bribery, consumer interests, as well as disclosure, science and technology, competition, and taxation.

Industry associations from around the country provided firsthand insights gathered from the business community to the representatives of Treasury on the proposed update of the guidelines followed by a discussion and a short Q&A session on the implementation of the guidelines. 

Click here to read BIAC’s submission to the OECD and click here to read ACCI’s letter to the Australian Ambassador to the OECD. 



ACCI hosts a Lithuanian Delegation  

ACCI hosted a Lithuanian delegation consisting of Lithuania’s Ambassador to Australia Darius Degutis, Panevezys Chamber of Commerce CEO Visvaldas Matkevicius and various Lithuanian business representatives from the mining, real estate and legal sector. 

ACCI, Canberra Business Chamber and Austrade outlined Australia’s business outlook and provided a brief overview of sector of interest to the Lithuanian delegation. The session was facilitated by ACCI Head of Trade and International Affairs Chris Barnes.  

Austrade has just opened its 68th global office in Vilnius, Lithuania. Click here to read the media release.

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