Economics update | 16 June 2023

16 Jun 2023

Robust increase in employment

ABS Labour Force data released yesterday shows strong employment growth of almost 76,000 in May, taking the number of people employed above 14 million, a record high. This also pushed unemployment back down to 3.6 per cent.

This strong growth in employment is driven mainly by full-time employment, up 60,700, while part-time employment rose by 14,300. Over the past year 465,500 jobs have been added, with over 80 per cent of these being full-time. The participation rate rose to 66.9 per cent, with female participation achieving an all-time high at 62.6 per cent, while the male participation rate remained unchanged at 71.2 per cent.

While underemployment edged up 0.2 percentage points to 6.4 per cent, it remains substantially lower than the average of 8.4 per cent in the five years prior to the pandemic. Hours worked also decreased, down 1.8 per cent, following a 2.7 per cent increase in April. However, despite the decline in May, hours worked, have shown very strong growth over the past year, up over 88 million hours or almost 5 per cent over the past year. 

Overall, the May data suggests the labour market is continuing to tighten. Businesses can expect it to remain challenging to hire new workers in the year ahead. 

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