Employment and Skills

14 Jun 2024

International Education and Skills Framework 

ACCI submitted to the consultation on the draft of Australia’s International Education and Skills Strategic Framework this week. The submission emphasises Australia’s international education sector’s significant economic contribution, worth nearly $48 billion in 2023. ACCI highlights concerns over recent government policies and proposed regulations that could adversely impact the industry, including caps on student enrolments and increased visa requirements, potentially damaging Australia’s reputation as a premier international education destination. The submission calls for careful policy consideration, avoiding overly prescriptive measures, and ensuring quality and integrity while supporting sustainable growth and workforce contributions. ACCI stresses the importance of international students in alleviating skills shortages and urges the government to avoid attributing the housing crisis to international students.  

Strengthening Employer Compliance Act  

ACCI met with the Department of Home Affairs this week to receive an update on the Strengthening Employer Compliance Act, which will commence on 1 July. Home Affairs is producing a series of fact sheets and related information to help inform relevant parties. ACCI will send these to members as they are distributed. 

May Vacancy Report 

Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) has released their monthly report on employment vacancy numbers. Key statistics include online job advertisements increasing by 0.2% (or 420 job advertisements) in May 2024 to stand at 239,600. However, over the year to May 2024, they have decreased by 15.4% (or 43,600 job advertisements). The increases were largely driven by jobs for Sales workers, Technicians and Trade Workers. 

New TAFE Centre of Excellence 

The government has announced its second TAFE Centre of Excellence in WA. The centre will operate across the WA TAFE network and will be a skills leader in clean energy science, engineering, construction, and operation. It aims to support the net-zero transformation and a Future Made in Australia. This follows the first announcement of an Electric Vehicle Centre of Excellence in early May hosted by the Canberra Institute of Technology. 

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