Employment and Skills

21 Jun 2024

Strengthening Employer Compliance Act commences 1 July 

The Strengthening Employer Compliance Act commences on 1 July. ACCI sent members the series of fact sheets and related information from the Department of Home Affairs this week to help inform relevant parties about the changes. 

VET Qualification Reform Design Group

Next Tuesday, ACCI will host a virtual meeting for members with the VET Qualification Reform Design Group from 2-3 pm AEST.  

The Design Group highly values your perspectives and is particularly interested in gaining your insights on three overarching questions during the session:  

  • Are key pressure points in the current system of qualifications not sufficiently identified, or should they remain a key area of focus for the next phase of work? 
  • What would be the key changes you would suggest to improve Australia’s system of VET qualifications? What would be your recommended course of action? 
  • Are there any other important questions or issues? 

We hope you’ll be able to attend. Please contact us if you have not received the invitation.

Overseas Students consultation

ACCI will send members the draft of our submission to the Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Quality and Integrity) Bill 2024 for review and feedback early next week. The draft focuses on ensuring that legitimate providers and students are not prevented or restricted from doing their quality work. It also focuses on the education of students that the Australian workforce needs to crack down on the small number of illegitimate operators. The consultation closes on 1 July.

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