Member Update

26/07/2024 | Public Access

Workplace Relations

Modern Awards – Casual Employment Term Last week, the Fair Work Commission President, Justice Hatcher, made a statement announcing proceedings on the Commission’s own initiative to determine whether modern award casual conversion provisions cause any uncertainties or difficulties in light of the Closing Loopholes amendments to the Fair Work Act. The Commission...

19/07/2024 | Public Access

Workplace Relations

Modern Awards Review  The Fair Work Commission published its report on the Modern Awards Review 2023-24 yesterday, along with a statement from Fair Work Commission President, Justice Adam Hatcher, concluding the Modern Awards Review process.   Given the lack of consensus on issues, the Full Bench has refrained from expressing determinative views and instead opted...

19/07/2024 | Public Access

Small Business

Small Business Survey The Small Business Committee met this week, and members received a briefing on the results of the Small Business Survey ahead of its public release on Sunday, 21 July. Members also received updates on recent changes relevant to small businesses and ACCI advocacy, including industrial relations and...

19/07/2024 | Public Access


There is still time to join the next ACCI Trade Policy Committee on 1 August, at 2:00 pm AEST, featuring special guest speaker George Mina.   Mr Mina is Deputy Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Investment Group, DFAT’s foremost trade and investment position. Before this role,...

19/07/2024 | Public Access


Sustainable Aviation Fuel submission  Australian Chamber - Tourism made a submission to the government's consultation on low-carbon liquid fuels this week. The submission outlines the need for a domestic SAF industry and appropriate support to assist in this endeavour. It complements a broader submission from ACCI that addresses other forms...

19/07/2024 | Public Access

Employment & Skills

Apprenticeship Incentives Review  The 'What We Heard' summary paper from the Strategic Review of the Australian Apprenticeship Incentive System was released this week. The critical takeaway is unsurprising: Employer representatives and unions had differing views on the incentive system and how it should work. This paper aims to capture their...

19/07/2024 | Public Access


Unemployment rate slightly up  Labour force statistics released this week highlight that the unemployment rate increased slightly from 4 per cent in May to 4.1 per cent in June, with the number of unemployed people up by 9700. Meanwhile, the number of employed people increased by 50,200 to 14.4 million.   Despite such...

12/07/2024 | Public Access

Workplace Relations

Right to Disconnect  The President of the Fair Work Commission, Justice Adam Hatcher, has published a statement and the draft modern award term for the right to disconnect, accessible here.  The FWC has adopted a light-touch approach, consistent with ACCI’s recommendations. However, the commission has not delivered on union calls for a...

12/07/2024 | Public Access

Trade and International Affairs

ACCI Trade Committee Meeting   The next ACCI Trade Policy Committee will feature special guest speaker George Mina, followed by a short Q&A session. George is the deputy secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Investment Group—the foremost trade and investment position within DFAT. Before taking up this...

12/07/2024 | Public Access

Data, Digital and Cyber

Upcoming forum meeting  The Data, Digital & Cyber (DDC) Forum will hold a meeting on Wednesday 17th July from 10:30am to 12pm AEST. Please contact Ross Creelman for more information.

12/07/2024 | Public Access

Small Business

Upcoming committee meeting  The next meeting of the Small Business Committee will be held online on Friday, 19 July from 10:30 am-11:30 AEST.   The meeting will be an opportunity to discuss the results of the Small Business Conditions Survey and updates on ACCI advocacy and various small business matters.   Please...

12/07/2024 | Public Access

Work, Health and Safety

Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations Tony Burke has endorsed ACCI's nomination of Jennifer Low, director of health, safety, resilience, and digital policy, to the Asbestos and Silica Safety Eradication Council (ASSEC). Jen will attend the next meeting on 31 July along with Tracey Browne from AiGroup, the other employer...

12/07/2024 | Public Access


Productivity Commission report on economic mobility  The Productivity Commission report on economic mobility released this week shows that, on average, Australia’s long-term economic growth has led to each generation earning more income than the last. Most Australians earn more than their parents did at a similar age, and this is particularly...

12/07/2024 | Public Access

Employment and Skills

New NCVER data release: Government-funded students and courses 2023  According to the recent National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) release, an estimated 7.1 per cent of the Australian resident population aged 15 to 64 years participated in government-funded VET in 2023. Over the five years from 2019 to 2023, student...

05/07/2024 | Public Access

Trade and International

ACCI Trade Committee Meeting   Join us at the next ACCI Trade Committee on Thursday, 1 August, at 2:00 pm AEST. This meeting will feature a special guest speaker, George Mina. George is the Deputy Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs’ Trade and Investment Group, the foremost trade and investment...

05/07/2024 | Public Access

Small Business

Payment times reforms pass Amendments to the Payment Times Reporting Act 2020 passed Parliament this week.   The amendments implement recommendations made through the Statutory Review conducted by Dr Craig Emerson last year. The Bill amends the objects of the Payment Times Reporting Act to better express the purpose of the Payment Times Reporting Scheme, as well...

05/07/2024 | Public Access

Work, Health & Safety

Engineered stone ban is now in effect  The prohibition on the manufacture, supply, processing and installation of engineered stone benchtops, panels and slabs commenced on July 1.   Details of the ban are specific to your jurisdiction. Safe Work Australia’s engineered stone ban website provides information about how the ban is...

05/07/2024 | Public Access


Nature Positive Bill introduced The Nature Positive Bill was introduced to Parliament this week.   This Bill establishes a new Environment Protection Agency (EPA) responsible for delivering accountable, efficient, outcomes-focused, and transparent environmental regulatory decision-making. Under the Bill, penalties for environmental breaches will increase, with courts able to impose fines of...

05/07/2024 | Public Access


Future Made in Australia The Future Made in Australia Bill 2024 and Future Made in Australia (Omnibus Amendments No. 1) Bill 2024 was tabled in Parliament this week.   The government has included nearly $23 billion for the initiative over the next decade in its 2024-25 Federal Budget. The Bill outlines the ...

05/07/2024 | Public Access

Workplace Relations

Changes from 1 July From 1 July (last Monday) a series of changes have taken place in the workplace relations system. Employers must be aware that since Monday: The national minimum wage will be $24.10 per hour or $915.90 per (38 hour) week Modern award minimum wages will increase by...

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