Member Update

14/07/2023 | Public Access

Workplace Relations Update | 14 July 2023

Next tranche of workplace relations law changes The ACCI workplace relations team continues to consult with members and industry on the government’s next tranche of IR changes, including “employee-like” changes which will impact independent contracting arrangements, “same job, same pay” changes which will impact labour hire arrangements, casual changes and the introduction...

14/07/2023 | Public Access

Tourism Update | 14 July 2023

National Visitor Survey   The latest National Visitor Survey results for domestic visitors was released this week. April 2023 saw mixed domestic tourism results when compared to the April 2019 pre-COVID period. Overnight spend was up, buoyed by Easter and school holidays. However, the number of trips and nights away...

14/07/2023 | Public Access

Employment & Skills Update | 14 July 2023

All Jobs and Skills Councils officially online Minister for Skills and Training Brendan O’Connor this week confirmed all Jobs and Skills Councils have been formally established, with nine now operational. The additional five JSCs are: Energy, Gas and Renewables; Early Educators, Health and Human Services; Arts, Personal Services, Retail, Tourism and Hospitality; Public Safety...

14/07/2023 | Public Access

WHS & Health update | 14 July 2023

Ensuring targeted disaster funding – Independent Review Andrew Colvin AO APM will lead the Independent Review commissioned by the Federal Government. The review will consider how Commonwealth arrangements for disaster funding can be optimised. ACCI is participating in consultation with the review team and intends on making a submission. Submissions close on August...

14/07/2023 | Public Access

Economics update | 14 July 2023

Historically low labour productivity  The Productivity Commission this week reported a 4.6 per cent decline in labour productivity for the 12 months to March 2023. This decline is partly structural due to unwinding of COVID-19 restrictions. Service sectors were most affected by the restrictions; with less productive workers in these sectors more likely to...

07/07/2023 | Public Access

WHS update | 7 July 2023

Following advice that WHS ministers would be asked to make a decision on whether to continue regulatory impact analysis for nine chemicals of concern - including silica and formaldehyde - ACCI and Ai Group have written a joint letter to responsible state and territory ministers. We strongly urged the ministers...

07/07/2023 | Public Access

Workplace relations update | 7 July 2023

Next tranche of workplace relations law changes The ACCI workplace relations team continues to consult with members and industry on the government’s next tranche of IR changes, including “employee-like” changes which will impact independent contracting arrangements, “same job, same pay” changes which will impact labour hire arrangements, casual changes and...

07/07/2023 | Public Access

Trade and international affairs update | 7 July 2023

ICC Australia National Policy Committee meeting   The ICC Australia National Policy Committee will meet virtually on Thursday, 27 July, from 2:30 – 3:30pm AEST/  Special guest speaker Paul Hubbard, acting deputy head of the Simplified Trade System Implementation Taskforce, will provide a brief overview of the taskforce and the...

07/07/2023 | Public Access

Employment and skills update | 7 July 2023

Skills ministers meeting Federal, state and territory skills and training ministers met last week to progress key reforms. On a new National Skills Agreement (NSA), it appears the states and territories have obtained complete autonomy. This is another missed opportunity for reform in the VET sector, with the wording in...

07/07/2023 | Public Access

Economics update | 7 July 2023

Reserve Bank pauses, though high inflation still a concern Contrary to market expectations, the Reserve Bank this week left the cash rate unchanged at 4.1 per cent. With 12 interest rate increases since May 2022, the interest rate continues to be the highest in 11 years. This pause follows consumer...

30/06/2023 | Public Access

Tourism update | 30 June 2023

The ACCI Sustainable Tourism Advisory Committee met virtually last week to plan the basis for a net zero emissions target for tourism. Susanne Becken, Professor of Sustainable Tourism at Griffith University, delivered a presentation about ‘The Tourism Net Zero journey’. Professor Becken challenged the committee to understand the science behind...

30/06/2023 | Public Access

Trade update | 30 June 2023

ICC Australia National Policy Committee Meeting   The ICC Australia National Policy Committee Meeting will be held virtually on Thursday, July 27 (2:30 – 3:30pm AEST).   Special guest speaker Paul Hubbard, Acting Deputy Head of the Simplified Trade System Implementation Taskforce, will provide a brief overview of the Simplified Trade Taskforce...

30/06/2023 | Public Access

Data, digital & cyber update | 30 June 2023

ACCI's Data, Digital and Cyber Security Forum will meet on July 6 to discuss topics such as the recently released discussion paper Safe and Responsible AI in Australia and the Cyber Security Strategy. Interested members not already on the forum are requested to contact [email protected]. Michael Pezzullo AO, Secretary of the Department of Home Affairs, will...

30/06/2023 | Public Access

Economics update | 30 June 2023

The inflation rate slows to 5.6 per cent, defying expectations, but still well above the target range The monthly consumer price index retreated to 5.6 per cent in the year to May 2023, slowing from a 6.8 per cent rise in the year to April 2023. This defied the market...

23/06/2023 | Public Access

Data, digital & cyber update | 23 June 2023

New discussion paper scoping artificial intelligence (AI) regulation – due 26 July 2023 Industry Minister Ed Husic released a discussion paper, Safe and Responsible AI in Australia, alongside National Science and Technology Council’s paper Rapid Response Report: Generative AI. Both available here. Given the recent warnings of many of the world’s top AI experts,...

23/06/2023 | Public Access

Trade update | 23 June 2023

ICC Australia National Policy Committee Meeting   The ICC Australia National Policy Committee Meeting will be held virtually on Thursday, July 27 from 2:30-3:30pm AEST.   Special guest speaker Paul Hubbard, acting deputy head of the Simplified Trade System Implementation Taskforce, will provide a brief overview of the taskforce and the benefits...

23/06/2023 | Public Access

Work health & safety update | 23 June 2023

National Occupational Respiratory Disease Registry Bill 2023 Legislation to establish a national registry of respiratory diseases caused by workplace conditions, including silicosis, was introduced into Parliament on June 21. The National Occupational Respiratory Disease Registry Bill 2023 will create a legislative framework for the establishment and ongoing management of the National Occupational...

23/06/2023 | Public Access

Employment & skills update | 23 June 2023

Startup Year loans Startup year legislation passed Parliament this week. From 2024 in the first-year pilot, up to 1,000 eligible students will be able to access a new form of Higher Education Loan Program assistance, STARTUP-HELP, and participate in a higher education-based accelerator program.  Students will be able to access...

23/06/2023 | Public Access

Workplace relations update | 23 June 2023

Protecting Worker Entitlements Bill The Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Protecting Worker Entitlements) Bill 2023 passed both houses of Parliament yesterday. The legislation will: insert a right to superannuation in the National Employment Standards clarify that the Fair Work Act applies to temporary migrant workers provide stronger access to unpaid parental leave clarify...

23/06/2023 | Public Access

Tourism update | 23 June 2023

The Australian Bureau of Statistics recently released the visitor arrival and departure numbers for April 2023. Short-term visitor arrivals (tourists) were 544,920, which accounts for an annual increase of 309,450 trips. The report is available HERE. The highest number of visitor arrivals for short-term trips were in NSW (200,230), whilst the...

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