Member Update

19/05/2023 | Public Access

Workplace relations update | 19 May 2023

Annual Wage Review 2022-23 An annual wage review hearing before the expert panel of the Fair Work Commission was held on Wednesday, in which ACCI participated. ACCI reiterated its call for a moderate increase to national minimum and modern award wages of 4 per cent on July 1, inclusive of...

19/05/2023 | Public Access

Health update | 19 May 2023

Health technology assessment policy and methods review The Department of Health is seeking public input to the current Health Technology Assessment (HTA) process and how it can be improved. HTA is a process used to evaluate the clinical effectiveness, safety, cost-effectiveness, and broader societal impacts of health technologies, such as medical...

19/05/2023 | Public Access

Employment and skills update | 19 May 2023

Employment and Skills Committee meeting The Employment and Skills Committee will be meeting virtually from 2-4pm on Tuesday, May 23.  The meeting will host representatives from the office of the Minister for Skills and Training, Brendan O'Connor, and the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, to discuss the 2023-24 budget...

12/05/2023 | Public Access

Mandatory code of conduct for the east coast gas market 

ACCI is preparing a submission for the second round of consultation on the mandatory code of conduct for the east coast gas market. This will be legislated as Competition and Consumer Order (Gas Market Code) Regulations 2023. ACCI’s submission notes that proposed mandatory code of conduct will provide temporary relief...

12/05/2023 | Public Access

Small business update | 12 May 2023

Technology Investment Boost  Senator David Pocock introduced an amendment into the Senate this week to extend the tax bonus measure in the technology investment boost with a modified scope, see here. The boost is part of the Treasury Laws Amendment Bill 4 which has been languishing in the Senate since late last...

12/05/2023 | Public Access

Tourism update | 12 May 2023

Passenger Movement Charge Increase  The passenger movement charge (PMC) will increase or the first time in eight years. The increase of $10, effective July 1,  2024, was announced in this week's budget, part of a funding package designed to cover the cost of biosecurity measures. Australian Chamber – Tourism has...

12/05/2023 | Public Access

Trade update | 12 May 2023

Trade in the 2023 Budget The budget picture is mixed in trade and international affairs. While the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has received a funding boost, the outcome is less encouraging for Austrade. Austrade’s staffing is projected to decline by 10 per cent, from an average staffing level...

12/05/2023 | Public Access

Workplace relations update | 12 May 2023

Workplace Relations Reference Groups The Workplace Policy Committee approved the establishment of two new reference groups, or “sub-committees” on March 29: a WR Advocacy Reference Group and a WR Legal and Practical Guidance Technical Reference Group. ACCI circulated draft terms of reference for the Workplace Policy Committee’s approval and sought...

12/05/2023 | Public Access

Employment and skills | 12 May 2023

Budget brief with Minister O'Connor ACCI attended a briefing on budget night run by Skills and Training Minister Brendan O'Connor and the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations. It was an opportunity to hear directly from the minister about the skills measures that are in the budget. This budget implements previously...

12/05/2023 | Public Access

Economics update | 12 May 2023

2023-24 Federal Budget Treasurer Jim Chalmers delivered the 2023-24 federal budget on Tuesday night.  The budget papers and factsheets on some of the key policy initiative can be found on the Treasury website.  As in previous years, ACCI attended the budget lockup, providing members with a media release and overview of the economic situation...

05/05/2023 | Public Access

Small business update | 5 May 2023

Small Business Energy Efficiency Incentives Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers announced a new tax incentive on Sunday, worth up to $20,000 per business, to encourage small and medium businesses to make energy saving investments.  SMEs with a turnover of up to $50 million will be able to claim an additional 20...

05/05/2023 | Public Access

Trade update | 5 May 2023

Digital Infrastructure and Space Technology  Register today for the ICC Australia Arbitration Committee’s panel discussion on Digital Infrastructure and Space Technology in Sydney.    This is a free event will be held on Tuesday, May 16, at the Clifford Chance office in Sydney.  This event is an initiative from the ICC...

05/05/2023 | Public Access

Data, digital and cyber update | 5 May 2023

National Quantum Strategy Industry and Science Minister Ed Husic launched the quantum strategy this week which included a commitment that Australia would build a world-first error corrected quantum computer within ten years.  The strategy sets out plans of action across five key themes over seven years: Creating thriving research and development,...

05/05/2023 | Public Access

Workplace relations update | 5 May 2023

Workplace Relations Reference Groups The Workplace Policy Committee approved the establishment of two new reference groups, or sub-committees on March 29: a WR Advocacy Reference Group and a WR Legal and Practical Guidance Technical Reference Group. ACCI circulated draft Terms of Reference for the Workplace Policy Committee’s approval and sought...

05/05/2023 | Public Access

Employment and skills update | 5 May 2023

Meeting with the Secretary of the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations  ACCI, along with Ai Group and the BCA, met with Natalie James, Secretary of the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations on Wednesday to discuss the current review and consultation process underway in the vocational education and training...

05/05/2023 | Public Access

Economics update | 5 May 2023

Budget night – What you can expect from ACCI Treasurer Jim Chalmers will hand down the 2023-24 Budget next Tuesday night at 7.30pm. ACCI will again attend the Budget lock-up to provide members with an assessment of the key  outcomes relevant to business.  On Tuesday night, members can expect the...

28/04/2023 | Public Access

Trade update | 28 April 2023

Digital Infrastructure and Space Technology  The Digital Infrastructure & Space Tech: New Opportunities and Dispute Risks is a free event to be held on Tuesday, May 16 in the Clifford Chance office Sydney.  This event is an initiative from ICC Australia Arbitration Committee that was launched in November 2022.  ICC...

28/04/2023 | Public Access

Data, digital and cyber update | 28 April 2023

ACCI submission on the Australian Cyber Security Strategy Discussion Paper for 2023-2030. ACCI submitted our response to the Cyber Security Strategy discussion paper last week. Our key commentary includes:  ACCI asserts that a collaborative approach between government, industry, and the community is essential to achieving stronger cybersecurity.  ACCI and its...

28/04/2023 | Public Access

Workplace relations update | 28 April 2023

Consultation Papers on Second Tranche of Workplace Relations Changes The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations has released four consultation papers on proposed changes to the workplace relations system which the government will seek to introduce later this year: Same Job, Same Pay; Wage Theft; Extending the Powers of the...

28/04/2023 | Public Access

Work health and safety update | 28 April 2023

2023 World Day for Safety and Health at Work and Workers' Memorial Day  World Day for Safety and Health at Work, and Workers' Memorial Day, is being marked today. This year's theme for World Day for Safety and Health at Work, set by the International Labour Organization, is 'A safe and healthy working...

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