Member Update

03/03/2023 | Public Access

Work health and safety update | 3 March 2023

WHS Ministers Meeting  On 28 February, ministers responsible for workplace health and safety (WHS) from the federal, state and territory governments met to discuss and advance WHS issues of national importance: silicosis, industrial manslaughter, managing psychosocial risks in the workplace, the National WHS Strategy 2022-2033, and the review of model...

03/03/2023 | Public Access

Economics update | 3 March 2023

Economic growth slows in December The ABS National Accounts data shows the Australian economy beginning to slow in response to high inflation, inflated energy prices and weakening international markets, with quarterly GDP growth of 0.5 per cent and annualised GDP growth of 2.7 per cent in December.  Much of the economic growth...

24/02/2023 | Public Access

Trade update | 24 February 2023

Export Market Development Grants ACCI Head of Trade and International Affairs Chris Barnes was quoted in the Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) Operational Review in support of the program.  “Exporters value the EMDG scheme and want it to be robust and fit-for-purpose to meet the challenges and opportunities in the...

24/02/2023 | Public Access

Employment and skills | 24 February 2023

Universities Accord  This week the Universities Accord discussion paper was released for comment, see here.  The Accord was announced last year and is undertaking a wide-ranging review of the entire university sector. We anticipate that one of the outcomes of the review will recommendations on the costs of courses (particularly those...

24/02/2023 | Public Access

Work health and safety update | 24 February 2023

Australian Work Health and Safety Strategy 2023-2033 The Australian Work Health and Safety (WHS) Strategy 2023-2033 has been approved by all Safe Work Australia (SWA) members and WHS ministers and was launched yesterday.  The Strategy can be found here.   The strategy was developed in consultation with SWA Members and outlines a national vision for...

24/02/2023 | Public Access

Economics update | 24 February 2023

WPI grows 0.8 per cent for December quarter 2022 The wage price index (WPI) rose 0.8 per cent for the December quarter 2022 and 3.3 per cent annually. Whilst a drop from the 1.1 per cent recorded in the September quarter, this contributed to the highest annual growth since December...

24/02/2023 | Public Access

Tourism update | 24 February 2023

This week Australian Chamber – Tourism, along with a number of members from national tourism peak bodies, attended the Austrade Visitor Economy Stakeholder Engagement Quarterly Forum . We liaised with Austrade beforehand to set the agenda, which included productive discussions on linkage to the THRIVE 2030 Strategy and other strategic activities by...

24/02/2023 | Public Access

Workplace relations update | 24 February 2023

Government Consultation on Workplace Relations Matters (First Half of 2023) The Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, Tony Burke, has announced that there will be at least two tranches of legislation on workplace relations matters introduced into the Federal Parliament in 2023. The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations has...

16/02/2023 | Public Access

Trade update | 17 February 2023

ICC Australia National Policy Committee Meeting   On Wednesday, ACCI held its first ICC Australia National Policy Committee Meeting of the year with special guest speaker Frances Lisson, DFAT’s Australian Chief Negotiator for the India-Australia Economic Cooperation & Trade Agreement.   Frances provided attendees a debrief on India-Australia trade agreement and set the scene...

16/02/2023 | Public Access

Employment and skills update | 17 February 2023

Graduate Outcomes Survey results  The 2022 Graduate Outcomes Survey was released this week, see here. The rates of fulltime employment are the highest in over a decade, with 78.5 per cent of students securing employment within six months.  This data is not surprising given the low rate unemployment Australia wide, tracking the...

16/02/2023 | Public Access

Workplace relations update | 17 February 2023

Government Consultation on Workplace Relations Matters (First Half of 2023) The Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, Tony Burke, has announced that there will be at least two pieces of legislation on workplace relations matters introduced into the Federal Parliament in 2023. The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations is commencing consultation...

16/02/2023 | Public Access

Economics update | 17 February 2023

Safeguard Mechanism Crediting in debate  The crediting component of the safeguard mechanism is currently before the House of Representatives. This proposed legislation allows the 215 facilities covered by the safeguard mechanism to earn tradeable credits when their emissions are below their baseline, granting much needed flexibility for these high emitters to invest...

16/02/2023 | Public Access

Tourism update | 17 February 2023

Austrade has produced a free kit for tourism businesses to help them attract workers and understand the work bonus that gives older Australians greater flexibility to work and earn more without losing their income support payments. The kit includes posters and sharable social content that tourism businesses can use. Learn...

09/02/2023 | Public Access

Work health and safety update | 10 February, 2023

WHS&WC Committee Updates: 17 February 2:30-3:30pm AEDT: Briefing with Distinguished Professor Lidia Morawska on ventilation and air quality  15 March 1-3pm AEDT: WHS&WC Committee Meeting For further details please contact [email protected].   ATAGI booster advice The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) has recommended all people aged 18 and over, who...

09/02/2023 | Public Access

Trade update | 10 February, 2023

ICC Australia National Policy Committee Meeting   The first ICC Australia National Policy Committee Meeting for the year will be held virtually on Wednesday 15 February (2:30 – 4:00pm AEDT).  Special guest speaker Frances Lisson, DFAT’s Australian Chief Negotiator for the India-Australia Economic Cooperation & Trade Agreement will provide a debrief...

09/02/2023 | Public Access

Employment and skills update | 10 February, 2023

Jobs and Skills Australia ACCI has been appointed a member of the interim advisory body of Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA). JSA is an independent agency responsible for providing advice to the government on current, emerging and future labour market and workforce skills and training needs. The working group will meet to assist the...

09/02/2023 | Public Access

Workplace relations update | 10 February, 2023

ACCI’s Workplace Policy Committee is being convened today via Zoom for members to provide input on what constitutes genuine agreement for the development of a new set of Fair Work Commission principles under the recently amended Fair Work Act arrangements for the approval of agreements. All members are welcome to...

09/02/2023 | Public Access

Economics update | 10 February, 2023

RBA raises interest rates by 25 basis points  The Reserve Bank increased interest rates by 25 basis points to 3.35 per cent. This is the ninth increase to the cash rate since May 2022 and the highest it has been since September 2012.  With the monthly CPI indicator rising 8.4...

02/02/2023 | Public Access

Workplace relations update | 3 February, 2023

Employer Guides to Changes to the Fair Work Act ACCI is preparing practical guides to recent legislative changes which will be distributed throughout our network to assist members in advising employers, and as a product for member employers seeking up-to-date workplace relations information. The guide to the non-bargaining changes made by the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure...

02/02/2023 | Public Access

Tourism update | 3 February, 2023

Working Holiday Makers Initiative Potential working Holiday Makers are waiting offshore to come to Australia, some are waiting for their scheduled flights and others are delaying travel until airfare prices reduce. This is contributing the labour shortage being felt by tourism and hospitality businesses, many of which rely on working holiday makers.  ...

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