Workplace Relations

19 Jul 2024

Modern Awards Review 

The Fair Work Commission published its report on the Modern Awards Review 2023-24 yesterday, along with a statement from Fair Work Commission President, Justice Adam Hatcher, concluding the Modern Awards Review process.  

Given the lack of consensus on issues, the Full Bench has refrained from expressing determinative views and instead opted to lead Commission-initiated proceedings across priority areas, including the following: 

  1. Amusement, Events and Recreation Award 2020, from September 2024. 
  2. Live Performance Award 2020from September 2024. 
  3. General Retail Industry Award 2020, from August 2024. 
  4. Clerks – Private Sector Award 2020, from August 2024 (to establish a work-from-home term). 
  5. Higher Education Industry—Academic Staff— Award 2020 and Higher Education Industry—General Staff—Award 2020, from September 2024. 
  6. fundamental review of award provisions regulating part-time employment focused on the seven awards the subject of the ‘making awards easier to use’ stream to begin in 2025. 

Inquiry into the Digital Transformation of the Workplace 

ACCI director, workplace relations Jessica Tinsley appeared before the House Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training today to take questions on behalf of ACCI’s workplace relations team concerning the Committee’s Inquiry into the Digital Transformation of the Workplace. 

The inquiry is assessing the impact of automated decision-making and machine learning on workplaces, including issues such as hiring, discrimination, procedural fairness, wage setting, managerial prerogative, and other matters. 

Ms Tinsley highlighted ACCI’s position that these technologies do not warrant any new workplace regulation, stating that instituting such changes would only stifle these innovative technologies, make them less attractive to employers, and undermine the productivity gains they can achieve. 

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