Data, digital & cyber update | 23 June 2023

23 Jun 2023

New discussion paper scoping artificial intelligence (AI) regulation – due 26 July 2023
Industry Minister Ed Husic released a discussion paper, Safe and Responsible AI in Australia, alongside National Science and Technology Council’s paper Rapid Response Report: Generative AIBoth available here.

Given the recent warnings of many of the world’s top AI experts, the federal government has outlined its intention to consider targeted regulation, stating that there are gaps in existing law and new forms of AI technology will need safeguards to protect society.

ACCI will be making a submission and would appreciate any member feedback on this topic.

Submissions to the discussion paper close on 26 July 2023.

Submission content will be discussed at the next ACCI Data, Digital and Cyber Security Forum meeting on 6 July. Members interested in joining the forum or attending this meeting are requested to contact [email protected].


PM announces new Cyber Security Coordinator
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese today announced the appointment of Air Vice-Marshal Darren Goldie as the new National Coordinator for Cyber Security and head of the new National Office for Cyber Security. ACCI will work closely with Home Affairs over the next few weeks as the Department looks to streamline operations and set up further mechanisms for better industry engagement now that a coordinator has been appointed. See the media release here.

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