Employment & skills update | October 21, 2022

21 Oct 2022

Minister O’Connor lunch
Minister for Skills and Training Brendan O’Connor was guest speaker at the American Chamber of Commerce in Australia. In Canberra on Tuesday, Mr O’Connor reiterated the need for sector reform in relation to the apprenticeship system across a range of areas such as completion rates. Mr O’Connor is also looking to see increased participation from women, indigenous and disabled people in apprenticeships/traineeships. 


Joint inquiry into international education and tourism launched  
The Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade, through the Trade Subcommittee, has launched an inquiry into Australia’s tourism and international education sectors, with a focus on the operation of both sectors in the post-COVID world. ACCI will draft a submission which we will share with members ahead of the December 12 due date, more information here

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