Pre-election Economic and Fiscal Outlook

21 Apr 2022

Earlier this week the Secretaries of the Treasury and Department of Finance released the Pre-election Economic and Fiscal Outlook (PEFO) as required under the Charter of Budget Honesty Act 1998.

With the Budget released only three weeks ago, it’s no surprise that the major economic parameters in the 2022 PEFO are unchanged from those presented at the 2022-23 Budget. The only notable variation since the Budget is a $385 million improvement in expected receipts over the four year forward estimates and an extra $1.1 billion in spending in 2022-23. The additional spending is mainly related to the COVID response ($842 million), flood relief ($534 million) and community development grants ($117 million). It was offset partly by a reversal of spending on some measures, including a reduction to the budget of Workforce Australia (-$141 million).

For more details, PEFO can be found at here

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