Trade update | 19 May 2023

19 May 2023

Digital Infrastructure and Space Technology

On Tuesday, the ICC Australia Arbitration Committee held a panel discussion at Clifford Chance’s Sydney office.

Over 40 attendees joined the committee for this fruitful and fascinating discussions on this important and emerging topic in dispute resolution, along with a valuable networking opportunity.

The discussion focused on digital infrastructure and space technology opportunities and dispute risks, a sector that is critical across commercial industry sectors as well as to defence and national security.

Attendees were treated to a high level panel of speakers, moderated by Duncan Miller SC:

  • Julia Dreosti, counsel, Clifford Chance;
  • Annie Handmer, satellite policy and industry Engagement Management, Optus;
  • Donna Lawler, principal, Azimuth Advisory;
  • Tim Parsons, non-executive director, Space Industry Association of Australia; and
  • Byron Riessen, space & global lead partner, Deloitte Gravity Challenge.

This event – supported by Clifford Chance and the Space Industry Association of Australia – is one of the many programmes and roadshows of arbitration conferences in celebration of the Centenary of ICC Court of Arbitration this year.

This is one of a number of events planned by the new ICC Australia Arbitration Committee, which was established in 2022.  Australia’s committee is chaired by Mark Mangan.


Trade minister visits China

Last week, Minister for Trade and Tourism, Don Farrell, met with China’s Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao and co-chaired the 16th Joint Ministerial Economic Commission, the first in-person meeting between Australian and Chinese trade ministers since 2019.

This was the first time the Joint Ministerial Economic Commission meeting had been held since 2017, and the meeting agreed the value of reconvening regular meetings under the framework of our China-Australia Free Trade Agreement to provide for further dialogue on trade matters.

Click here to read the media release.


Feedback on market access in India

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is seeking feedback from Australian businesses on market access and ease of doing business in India, with a particular focus on issues in services sector both in-market and delivered remotely from Australia.

Sectors of interest include:

  • Legal services
  • Education sector
  • Financial services
  • Environmental services
  • Tourism sector

All feedback and examples will assist the Government’s negotiation on the Australia – India Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement, the second tranche negotiation being conducted this year following the conclusion of the earlier Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement.

If you have any feedback or examples, please contact ACCI team by email or to arrange a time to discuss these issues.


Lithuanian Delegation

On Monday, ACCI head of trade and international Affairs, Chris Barnes, addressed the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists hosted by Lithuania’s ambassador to Australia, Darius Degutis along with The Confederation of Industrialists president, Vidmantas Janulevičius. It was a pleasure to host representatives of the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists, our Lithuanian colleagues at Business at the OECD.

ACCI and the delegation discussed the range of opportunities that exist for Australian businesses in Lithuania and Australia’s current business environment in the housing, clean energy and construction sector.


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