Trade update | 24 March 2023

24 Mar 2023

ICC Australia Banking Committee Plenary Session
Following the success of last week’s ICC Australia Arbitration Committee Plenary Session, ICC Australia Banking Committee will be holding a Plenary Session on Wednesday 19 April 2023 5:00pm – 6:00pm AEDT

The virtual session will briefly overview ICC Australia’s operations, an introduction to the Banking Committee, ICC Australia membership benefits and member engagement opportunities. 

To join the session, please contact the ACCI Team



Feedback on Anti-Dumping System needed
ACCI is participating in the Anti-Dumping Commission’s International Trade Remedies Forum Sub-Committee on Strengthening the Anti-Dumping system, alongside other industry, trade union, and government representatives. 

Your feedback on any operational, regulatory, or resource-related issues you are experiencing in interacting with the anti-dumping system will be gratefully received. 

If you have views to contribute, please contact the ACCI team.



Spotlight on India
Austrade’s Export Supply Chain Service has produced a Spotlight on India report outlining supply chain insights, coinciding with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Minister for Trade and Tourism Don Farrell’s delegation to India in early March in which ACCI participated. 

IA-ECTA has made 85 per cent of Australian goods exports to India tariff free, with tariffs on many Australian agribusinesses significantly reduced. The Australian Government is now working on negotiating a Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement. 

Download the ESCS Spotlight on India

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