Trade update | September 16, 2022

16 Sep 2022

Sri Lankan Delegation in Canberra
ACCI director of trade policy and international relations, Chris Barnes, briefed a high level delegation from Sri Lanka on Thursday. 

The delegation, which consisted of chamber of commerce, government officials focused on export promotion and business owners from Sri Lanka, had the opportunity to hear from ACCI about its role supporting Australian businesses. The delegation was hosted by DFAT under the Australia Awards scheme.

ACCI maintains strong international links, not only through its membership of the International Chamber of Commerce and Business at the OECD, but also in regional organisations such as the Indian Ocean Rim Association Business Forum and the Confederation of Asia-Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CACCI).  


Productivity Commission draft report

Last Friday, the Productivity Commission released its draft report into the maritime logistics sector, Lifting productivity at Australia’s container ports: between water, wharf and warehouse

It confirms that there are a range of actions the government can take to enhance the competitiveness of the Australian maritime sector, particularly in workplace relations, competition and performance. 

The Australian economy is strongly anchored in trade, so ensuring the port systems are efficient, effect and contemporary is of great importance. 

Submissions are being sought by October 14 before a final report is published. ACCI will lodge a submission.

Read a copy of the draft report here.  

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