Workplace Relations

21 Apr 2022

Member Meeting – Workplace Policy Committee / Economics and Industry Policy Committee
On Wednesday April 20, ACCI’s Workplace Policy Committee (WPC) and Economics and Industry Policy Committee (EIP) convened together to determine ACCI’s position for the 2022 2022 Annual Minimum Wage Review. The Committees resolved to recommend to the Fair Work Commission that minimum wages should be increased by 3%, with a staggered approach for industries subject to delayed commencement in 2021 and facing ongoing adversity (and potentially facing multiple increases within a short period). ACCI’s next submission to the Annual Wage Review will be lodged by May 6.

Election Announcements
ACCI will continue to closely monitor policy announcements on workplace relations policy issued throughout the election, and circulate any information to members. Recent developments include Coalition announcements in recent days (here, here, here and here), and further scrutiny of Labor’s Secure Australian Jobs Plan and accompanying union claims regarding job insecurity (see here).

Aged Care Work Value Case
Final union submissions are to be lodged today on unions claims for a 25% pay increase in aged care, with evidence being heard between 26 April to 11 May 2022, and 12 and 13 May reserved if necessary final submissions exchanged in June, and final oral hearings on 6 and 7 July (here).

Current Inquiries
With the proroguing of Parliament for the election, all Commonwealth parliamentary inquiries ceased and departmental inquiries were completed or suspended, however a number of inquiries continue in the Productivity Commission:

Aged Care Employment (Productivity Commission)  This study will examine employment models in aged care and the effects that policies and procedures to preference the direct employment of aged care workers would have on the aged care sector.

Carer’s Leave (Productivity Commission) This inquiry will examine the economic and social impacts of allowing informal carers to take extended unpaid leave from their work to care for older people who are frail and living at home. The Inquiry will examine the economic and social impacts of providing a statutory leave entitlement to extended unpaid carers that provide informal care to older people who are frail and living at home, while offering employment protection on return to work (this inquiry is set to consider recommendations for amendments to the National Employment Standards).

Productivity Inquiry (Productivity Commission) The PC  has been asked to review Australia’s productivity performance and recommend an actionable roadmap to assist governments to make productivity-enhancing reforms.

Australia’s Maritime Logistics System (Productivity Commission) This inquiry will examine the structural issues affecting the productivity of Australia’s maritime logistics system. Long term trends in system performance will be analysed, and industrial relations, infrastructure constraints and technology uptake

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