Workplace Relations

21 Jun 2024

Right to Disconnect 

A consultation hearing before a full bench of the Fair Work Commission was held on Wednesday, during which ACCI discuss its submission and those of the unions concerning a modern award term for the right to disconnect. 

ACCI disputed union claims and reiterated calls for the new modern award term only to provide the rights guaranteed under the legislation. ACCI does not accept that further obligations on employers or new employee rights are appropriate.  

The commission will publish a draft term for comment on 15 July, with the final determination published on 23 August. 

International Labour Conference 

ACCI President Mark Birrell AM, and ACCI directors Jessica Tinsley and Jennifer Low, attended the International Labour Conference in Geneva, which finished last week. ACCI is the sole Australian employer body at this important international event. 

The conference sets international labour standards and the broad policies of the International Labour Organization (ILO), meeting annually in Geneva. Often called an international parliament of labour, the conference is also a forum for discussing critical social and labour questions.

ACCI director of workplace relations Jessica Tinsley was elected as a member of the ILO Governing Body. Ms Tinsley is the sole Australian employer member for 2024-27. This vital role will allow ACCI to advocate for Australian employers at this crucial international multilateral institution. 

The conference also decided to: 

  • Consider biological hazards in the working environment at the next conference before adopting a new convention.
  • Develop an action plan on decent work and the care economy.
  • Research and develop resources addressing discrimination and other under-addressed fundamental principles and rights at work.


DEWR Consultations on Regulated Workers 

The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations has released discussion papers on the Digital Labour Platform Deactivation and the Road Transport Industry Termination codes. The discussion papers can be accessed here: 

The two codes stem from the Closing Loopholes Bill changes and accompany the new regulated work regime for road transport contractors and employee-like workers and will act as a tool to determine whether a deactivation from a digital labour platform or a termination of a contract was fair. 

The department wants submissions by 11 pm AEST on 27 June. The submission process will be confidential – submissions will not be published on the department’s website. ACCI will be making a submission to both discussion papers, and anyone interested in contributing should contact the workplace relations team. 

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