Workplace relations update | 23 June 2023

23 Jun 2023

Protecting Worker Entitlements Bill
The Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Protecting Worker Entitlements) Bill 2023 passed both houses of Parliament yesterday. The legislation will:

  • insert a right to superannuation in the National Employment Standards
  • clarify that the Fair Work Act applies to temporary migrant workers
  • provide stronger access to unpaid parental leave
  • clarify the operation of workplace determinations
  • amend the process for making deductions from employees’ pay, and
  • amend the coal long service leave scheme.

The legislation was referred to the Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee for an inquiry, to which ACCI made a submission. ACCI helped secure the proposal of important amendments to the legislation reflecting our submissions, which the opposition moved, including:

  • strengthening the notice requirements for the taking of flexible unpaid parental leave days, and
  • constraining the ability for employees to make blanket authorisations for deductions of variable amounts, such as union fees.

Unfortunately these amendments were not successful, despite support for both from the Jacquie Lambie Network senators and Senator David Pocock’s support for amendments strengthening notice requirements. 

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