Australia has an enormous opportunity to be bold, to be visionary, and to set our sights on becoming an economic and geopolitical powerhouse. Australia, indeed the world, has battled a once in a century pandemic, presenting the most challenging economic environment...
The Australian work health and safety regulatory environment is complex and not appropriately scaled to the realities of our small businesses The Australian Chamber and our members consistently inform regulatory agencies that a “one-size-fits-all’ approach in regards to WHS regulation...
Do you want to know how to find the right people, retain them, reward them and integrate them in your business to do great work? The Biz Better Together initiative was established by the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry...
Women Mean Business is a joint initiative between the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Indian Ocean Rim Association. The initiative aims to mobilise chambers of commerce across the Indian Ocean...
With 1 in 5 Australians experiencing mental health issues in their lifetime, businesses need tools to manage these issues. The Australian Chamber is part of a long-standing collaboration with beyondblue, is a founding member of the Mentally Healthy Workplace Alliance and is a supporter...