The Economy

The Australian Chamber advocates for a strong, dynamic and globally competitive national economy. We must focus particularly on lowering and simplifying taxes, eliminating red-tape, improving delivery of key services and enhancing our national productivity.

Policy principles:

Strong economic growth and rising living standards

Low taxes and restrained public sector spending

Internationally competitive and productive economy

Streamlined federal and state regulation

Full employment and improved workforce participation

Low and stable inflation


Australia’s taxation system needs to encourage investment, strengthen workforce participation and support entrepreneurship. It is important that both state and federal governments view Australia as a single national tax base and avoid duplication, complexity and over-taxation.

Policy Principles:

Encourage economic growth, raise living standards and grow job opportunities

Facilitate Australia’s competitiveness as a destination for investment and production by reducing the costs of doing business

Reduce the compliance and administrative burden on businesses

Improve and maintain incentives for entrepreneurship and innovation

Maintain equity


Building newer, better and more cost-effective infrastructure that meets business and community needs should be a top national priority. We must focus on improving access to infrastructure for all Australian businesses.

This includes ensuring there is adequate financing for infrastructure projects and promoting greater private sector involvement in the planning, funding, construction and operation of infrastructure assets.

Policy Principles

Improve national productivity

Base decisions on rigorous cost-benefit analysis

Encourage private sector investment to help meet current and future infrastructure needs

Achieve greater coordination in infrastructure regulation and planning

More equitable and sustainable allocation of risk


We must ensure that Australia has dynamic and competitive industries, with a whole-of-government industry policy approach that facilitates development and innovation.

Policy Principles:

Open, productive and competitive markets

Market-based operations and pricing for government business enterprises

Easy to follow legal and regulatory compliance requirements

Research and development policy settings that promote innovation and commercialisation

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