
Can’t find what you are looking for? If it is twelve months old, it will be here in our Archived publications.

11/09/2019 | Public Access

Jobs for the Future in Regional Areas: Submission to the Senate Select Committee into Jobs for the Future in Regional Areas

The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Australian Chamber) welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Senate Select Committee’s Inquiry into Jobs for the Future in Regional Areas. This submission does not set out to provide detailed commentary on all of the terms of reference, but will cover issues most relevant to the Australian Chamber membership. The submission highlights the trends in regional jobs, industry opportunities such as those in tourism and agritourism, education; and key policies such as skills, infrastructure including digital communications and airport infrastructure, and migration to boost job creation in the regions in the...

02/07/2019 | Public Access

Activities & Achievements | January – March 2019

The Australian Chamber began the year on the front foot, establishing a strong public profile in national policy debates on workplace relations, energy and skills, ahead of the Federal Election.

17/06/2019 | Public Access

Australian Chamber-Westpac Survey of Industrial Trends | June 2019

The Australian Chamber–Westpac Survey of Industrial trends, Australia’s longest running business survey dating from 1966, provides a timely update on manufacturing and insights into economy-wide trends. The Westpac–AusChamber Actual Composite index declined to 61.5 in June from 61.8 in March. The Composite remains at a positive level but suggests that the loss in momentum from mid-2018 has persisted into mid-2019. The reading for the Composite index is supported by rising output, albeit at a slower pace; new orders; backlog; and overtime. However, employment levels stagnated over the past three quarters. The Australian economy has slowed to an annual growth pace...

08/05/2019 | Public Access

Submission to the Department of Home Affairs Border Permits Review

The Australian Chamber welcomes this opportunity to provide input to the Department of Home Affairs (the Department) Border Permits Review, as part of the whole-of-government trade modernisation agenda. The World Bank Doing Business Reports lists Australia as having the most expensive export and import border compliance among OECD high income economies, scoring last across the grouping in 2016, 2017, and 2018.1 The Australian Chamber supports the spirit and intent of the import/export regulations under the Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations 1956 and the Customs (Prohibited Exports) Regulations 1958, and agrees that Australia’s border and biosecurity arrangements must remain strong in order...

07/05/2019 | Public Access

Small Business Is A Big Deal: Australian Chamber full Small Business policy

Small Business is a big deal for millions of Australian workers and their families. Small Business deserve policies that encourage them to invest and create jobs. Small Business is a Big Deal.

06/05/2019 | Public Access

WES review – Release 1 (RCS) Safe Work Australia evaluation of Workplace exposure standards for airborne contaminants

The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Australian Chamber) welcomes the opportunity to provide a response to Safe Work Australia’s (SWA) draft evaluation report for crystalline silica released in February 2019.

06/05/2019 | Public Access

Getting On With Business 2019 – Business Policy Priorities for the Next Federal Government

We want Australia to be the best place in the world to do business. So Australians have the jobs, living standards and opportunities to which they aspire. Getting on with Business sets out our recommendations for Australia’s next federal government and parliament, to realise that vision. For the benefit of all Australians.

30/04/2019 | Public Access

Productivity Commission Inquiry into the Economic Impacts of Mental Ill-Health

The ambition of Government and for the community generally, should be that more people with disability are in work. In using the term disability here, it encompasses those with a nervous or emotional condition causing restriction and those with a mental illness or condition that requires help or supervision1. Approximately fifty-three percent (53.4) of those with disability aged 15 to 64 years participate in the labour force compared to 83.2 percent of those without disability2. The ambition should be bold and aim for a significant shift in the workforce participation rates, not just seeking to make a marginal improvement.  ...

26/04/2019 | Public Access

Submission to the Biosecurity Levy Steering Committee – April 18 2019

The Australian Chamber welcomes this opportunity to provide input to the Biosecurity Levy Steering Committee’s deliberations. Biosecurity is a vital component of Australia’s trade and economic wellbeing, protecting over $60 billion worth of agricultural production nationally, underpinning Australia’s inbound tourism industry worth over $38 billion and protecting our environment from pest and disease incursions. The Australian Chamber is supportive of an efficient and effective biosecurity system for Australia. We refer to the work of Dr Wendy Craik and her team in the 2017 independent review of the capacity of Australia’s biosecurity system and the underpinning Intergovernmental Agreement on Biosecurity (IGAB)....

14/03/2019 | Public Access

Submission to the Beyond 2020 Tourism Strategy Consultation

The Australian Chamber-Tourism commends the Steering Committee for the Beyond Tourism 2020 Strategy for establishing medium and long-term targets for the growth potential of Australian tourism. The Chamber sees great merit in putting forward the target range and proposing initiatives that support the enormous potential for the future growth of tourism. Investment from Government in these actions will enhance the opportunity of the visitor economy so that Australia can enjoy the jobs, growth and export income that the sector can generate.

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