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06/02/2019 | Public Access

Australian Chamber-Tourism Pre-Budget Submission

As the peak body for businesses operating in tourism, Australian Chamber – Tourism recommends the 2019-20 Budget include initiatives to support tourism growth in order to contribute to Australia’s future economic and social wellbeing and importantly spread the benefits across the country. To stimulate productivity growth in a fiscally constrained environment, it is essential to ensure that spending initiatives generate economic activity. This will support the living standards Australians enjoy through keeping Australian enterprises competitive.

06/02/2019 | Public Access

Submission to the VET Review

Vocational Education and Training (VET) is a highly valuable system developing the skills needed for a modern economy. It is often associated with construction, electricians, printers, metal engineers, chefs, hairdressers and other sectors reliant on trade qualifications. However, in reality, VET permeates the whole of society, developing and enhancing skills in occupations ranging from pilots to musicians; office workers to travel and real estate agents; and safety inspectors to enrolled nurses to name but a few.

31/01/2019 | Public Access

Submissions | 2019-20 Pre-Budget Submission | January 2019

The Australian Chamber advocates for a competitive environment for business within an Australian economy that is fundamentally strong, growing and resilient, as well as stable and sustainable. To support economic growth, the Federal Budget should focus on improving productivity and better target government spending and policies towards initiatives that will boost economic activity such as well-considered infrastructure and workplace regulation reform.

30/01/2019 | Public Access

Activities & Achievements | October – December 2018

This quarter, in the lead up to the Federal Election, the Australian Chamber has played a prominent and influential role in national policy debates affecting members and the businesses they represent.

20/12/2018 | Public Access

Office of Trade Negotiations, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Soft Power Review | October 2018

The Australian Chamber welcomes the government’s efforts to review Australia’s unique soft power strengths and capabilities, delivering upon a commitment established in the 2017 Foreign Policy White Paper. The Australian Chamber and its member organisations believe there are many opportunities for the promotion and influence of Australian ideas and practices in the global community. As Australia’s leading voice for business and employers, the Australian Chamber is a unique member of the International Chamber of Commerce; Business@OECD; International Organisation of Employers; Confederation of Asia Pacific Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce. These platforms allow...

20/12/2018 | Public Access

Submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee | December 2018

Submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee: Inquiry into the effectiveness of the current Temporary Skilled Visa System in targeting genuine skills shortages The Australian Chamber is a strong advocate for a workforce development strategy that focuses on the skills development of Australian workers supplemented by a flexible and responsive migration system to fill the gaps. Australian businesses increasingly compete not just locally but globally for talent and skills. This submission outlines the importance of a responsive temporary skilled migration system, highlights the current shortcomings of the program and provides recommendations on how the system can be...

13/12/2018 | Public Access

Australian Chamber-Westpac Survey of Industrial Trends | December 2018

The Australian Chamber–Westpac Survey of Industrial trends, Australia's longest running business survey dating from 1966, provides a timely update on manufacturing and insights into economy-wide trends. The Westpac–AusChamber Actual Composite index declined in December 2018 to 63.1 from 66.2 in September. The Composite has indicated positive manufacturing conditions since December 2016. The well above average reading for the Composite index reflects strength in new orders, output, overtime and order backlog. The Australian economy has expanded around trend in the year to September 2018, annual output growth tracking at 2.8%.

11/12/2018 | Public Access

Migration works for all of us – delivering benefits to all Australians

Migration benefits all Australians. Our approach to migration, particularly in the last few decades, has given us a comparative advantage. It has made us richer; it drives economic growth and helps deliver the job opportunities and lifestyles that are so important to us. This policy position paper is not only about the benefits to business. We make the case that migration provides benefits to all Australians. Our approach to migration over the last few decades has provided Australia with a comparative advantage. In a world where countries have to work harder and smarter to stay competitive and create opportunities for...

20/11/2018 | Public Access

Activities & Achievements | July – September 2018

This quarter the Australian Chamber maintained a strong and influential profile in national policy debates on major political, economic and workplace relations issues affecting Australian business. We spoke on many media platforms, we took a strong position on a number of prominent issues in the Industrial Relations space, we resisted calls for lower skilled migration and we have been busy hosting networking events and meetings with all sides of politics as we lobby on behalf of members. “If you are not at the table, then you are probably on the menu. It’s our job, as Australia’s largest voice for small business, to make sure that small business...

20/11/2018 | Public Access

Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties | November 5, 2018

The Australian Chamber welcomes the Government efforts to liberalise trade to the benefit of the Australian economy. We also appreciate that the Government has considered that a further inquiry into the this treaty is warranted given the recent passage of the enabling legislation for the CPTPP by the Australian parliament. The CPTPP has also now been ratified by Australia and is expected to enter into force on December 30, 2018 and it is hoped that this might arrest the dramatic decline in exports from Australia to Peru that has occurred in recent years.

02/11/2018 | Public Access

Submission to the Treasury | Modernising Business Registers & Director Identification Numbers legislation | 26 October 2018

The consolidation and modernisation of the Australian Business Register (ABR) and the 31 Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) business registers onto a single platform is welcome and long overdue. The consolidation of business registers will simplify business’ interactions with Government and reduce duplication. It will ensure that businesses need only ‘tell government once’. As such, the Australian Chamber strongly encourages the government to implement the MBR program and DINs as soon as possible.

01/10/2018 | Public Access

Submission to the Treasury | Reforms to combat illegal phoenix activity – Draft Legislation | September 27, 2018

The Australian Chamber generally supports the Government considering targeted, balanced and workable ways in which to reduce the incidence and incentives of directors and businesses to engage in fraudulent phoenix activities. It is important to note however, that measures should not inhibit responsible risk taking, innovation, entrepreneurship. Care needs to be taken to ensure our laws do not have the effect of discouraging business rescue.

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